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Great prayer day and time for a Gmail miracle

Another Friday and this one is a national Holiday here in Denmark. So I am at home with the family, but still have a few minutes I can steal away for a quick blog post.

After writing my mail address in my last post I went to my hosting Company just to check up on the redirecting, but it wasn’t working. I tried a few of the aliases I had set up and changed the mails it redirected to, but still nothing. I wrote to the hosting Company who quickly replied that everything was OK on their end and even sent me some logs of successful redirects. So what to do? I did a quick Google and hey presto: Gmail was the problem, or at least had the solution to my problem. Apparently they do not always successfully accept redirections from other mail-hosts. So my solution was to make Gmail retrieve emails instead.

Find settings in your gmail settings:

Go to the accounts and import section:

Add the email that you want to retrieve from:

Addd details about login and POP server which you can find at your hosting company. After gmail has verified the settings you are ready to go:

Hope this helps others missing emails in their inbox…


About markoo

I am a Dad of 4! Husband of 1! Ex-husband of 1! Developer of Windows Phone apps!


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